Albumcompilaties / CD’s / heruitgaven Klik onderin op de tegel voor meer informatie over het album. Superstarshine vol.2Memories/Song of the Marching ChildrenThe best ofThe greatest rock sensationThe story ofThe best ofGreatest hitsMusic for the millionsEarth and FireThe very best ofThe very best ofGreatest hitsEarth and FireThe collectionEath and FireThe singlesDiamond star collectionNederpop op z’n kop3 originalsReality fills fantasyAndromeda girlWild and excitingSong of the Marching ChildrenEarth and FireUniversal master collectionThe ultimate collectionThe very best of50 jaar NederpopEarth and Fire remasteredSong of the Marching Children + 6 bonusAtlantis remasteredEarth and Fire – 2 albumsEarth and Fire – 2 albumsThe golden years of dutch pop musicTo the world of the futureMemoriesThe First FiveGolden YearsSong of the Marching Children – 50th anniversary